Box 932, Worland, Wyoming 82401

 Affiliate Number B86153

Affiliate Number 05D046


Darkside Consulting supports the shooting sports, especially the youth shooting sports. We hope to help educate, inform, and train our children, friends, neighbors, fellow citizens, law enforcement, military personnel, and good descent people, in the safe and proper use of small arms. This is to be done by using the classroom and the range. This informative education is to be completed in conjunction with private, state, and national organizations. For the most part, this training is accomplished by conducting competitive shooting events and matches each year.

Less Government
Darkside Consulting believes in God, Biblical Principles, independence, self-reliance, freedom, and the American Constitution. We are honest law abiding, tax paying, responsible folks who strongly support the Declaration of Independence, and the bill of rights.

Darkside Consulting works to do what we are able, to maintain our cherished way of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.



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