Hostility keeps a dear school, much of which, can be “Taught” in no other
Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance
No one has the Right to be Stupid, but many abuse the privilege!!
Be Flexible, seldom, will the first operational plan, survive the first contact, Intact!
Amateurs Talk Tactics
Professionals Discuss Logistics
Great minds Discuss ideas,
Average minds discuss events,
Small minds discuss people
Keep it Simple
The Important things are Simple
The Simple things are Hard.
Leadership is doing “The Right Thing”
Management is doing “Things Right”
JUSTICE= When ya git what ya deserve!!!
MERCY= When ya don’t git what ya deserve!!!
GRACE= When ya get what ya don’t deserve!!!!
Truth is the most valuable thing known!!
No one is more hated than those who speaks the truth.
Truth is slow, a lie gets halfway around the world before truth get its pants on.
Truth is very sensitive, easily manipulated, hurt, damaged, and destroyed.

Truth is so precious that it is often surrounded by a body guard of lies.
Truth is so revolting that prejudice denies it, ignorance derides it, panic resends it, hate destroys it, and fear hides it.
Seldom miss an opportunity to keep you mouth Shut!!
Amateurs practice until they git it Right, But professionals practice until they can’t screw it up!!
If you’re not carrying your weight, your pushing your Luck
Strive for Excellence, not Perfection, Excellence can be had, Perfection is Gods Business
Money can buy fun, but not Happiness
Don’t borrow Money, or cosign so others can
Money can buy the best education, equipment and training, but not the common sense to use it wisely.
Money simply makes you more of what you already are.
Its not always the size of the dog in the fight.
More often than not, it’s the size of the fight in the dog!
Good Heath is nice, it is the slowest possible rate at which to die
If you’re not carrying your weight, your pushing your Luck
Don’t Trade Luck for Skill, and avoid working with those folks who have 2 left feet.
Everyone is a booby trap finder, at Least Once
If the enemy is in range, so are you. If the enemy is not in range, it doesn’t mean your not!

Tracers and Insults work both ways!!
When you’re up to your ass in alligators, It’s hard to remember,
your initial objective was to drain the Swamp!!
Stay focused, without Gittin Tunnel Vision.
The enemy will attack, or shit will happen, “when you’re ready”, and when you’re not!!
Choose your Battles Carefully and Wisely, when you wrestle with pigs, expect to git dirty
Never Give anyone Hell, Simply tell them the Truth, they will find that’s Hell enough
Avoid Arguments. It confuses the Ignorant so much so, that they can’t figure out who the real dumb ass is!!
He who is wise, learns from the Mistakes of Others,
Besides, you won’t live long enough all the mistakes yourself
Pray twice as much as ya Fret!! If it aunt broke, don’t fix it!!!
Field/Combat experience is something you git, just after you needed it!!
If your short of everything but enemy, you in combat!!
Make it to tough for the bad guys to git in, then you won’t be able to git out!!
Communications always fail, just at the time you need them the most!!
Pain and suffering is a part of life, however, Misery is optional!!
Whatever hits the fan will not be distributed evenly, the same can be
truthfully said of government benefits, and entitlements
Be aware of self-doubt, frustration, aggression, and fear, for subtil they come, and quick to failure they lead!
If ya think you have no future, you don’t
Don’t let folks make ya feel inferior, “that is”, without your consent
You can take folks to school, but ya can’t teach em to think
Always help folks learn how to think, Not what to think!!!
Don’t shift your moods based on the words or actions of others!
Don’t allow your emotions to overpower your common sense!
Education is good, but it’s not a substitute for intelligence, and
neither will work worth a damn, with out the use of common sense.
The difference between genius and stupidity is, “genius has limits”
Its not what the Government Knows that scares me, it what God knows!
Godly Principles = Love your Neighbor
Woke Principles = Cancel your Neighbor
What if the Government funded adoptions, instead of abortions?
To Liberals and Socialist, Logic is an enemy, and Truth is a menace!
Live life as if everyday were your last, cause one day it will be
People don’t always remember what you said, but they will remember how you made them feel, always be kind, it cost nothing.
Smile from time to time. More often than not.
Be honest with everyone, especially yourself
Live Simply, Love Generously. Care Deeply. Give Cheerfully, and Often. Speak Kindly.
 Leave the rest to God.
Pray that the good lord will choose you to be among his good and faithful servants.


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